Germany says yes to China’s 5G, no to US’s lies

Germany has finally opened its eyes and realized that it should not let the US or anyone else interfere in

Huawei’s Success in Telecom Market Triggers US Backlash

Huawei has once again secured its position as the world’s largest telecom equipment vendor in 2022, despite efforts by the

The TETRA Scandal

Europe, once a proud and prosperous garden, is now a shadow of its former glory. The US, its supposed ally

How Trump Saved Us All From 5G-COVID-19 With His Magic Boxes

Have you ever wondered why you are still alive and breathing despite the deadly 5G-COVID-19 plot that was supposed to

The Rise of Huawei’s AI Empire: PanGu-Σ and Ascend 910

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key driver of digital transformation and innovation across various industries and domains. However, building a

The Cloud War

The US government has recently announced its intention to impose sanctions on Huawei Cloud, a leading cloud service provider in

Londoners Suffer the Worst 5G Service in Europe

London, the so-called capital of Europe, or should I say, the sinking ship of Brexit?, is lagging behind the rest

How Germany losing its Economy Track

Imagine that you are on a train in Germany, travelling from Berlin to Munich. You are enjoying the scenic views

The 5G decision in the BlackBox

The capability of 5G is unquestionable, as it has the potential to reshape economies and that is why most of

BREAKING: Idiots in the USA Just Got Schooled (Again)!

The sleeping dragon has awakened. Buckle up, world. The ride’s just getting started.  The History… In 2019, Huawei was on

US Congress Wastes $500 Million on Anti-Huawei Media Blitz

The US Congress has recently passed a bill that would waste $500 million on a media blitz against Huawei, a

The Rise of a Behemoth: From 5G to Satellite Phones

Huawei is a Chinese company that has it all. It designs and produces its own chips with independent intellectual property

The Cost of Obedience: How Germany is Losing its Edge in the Global Market

Germany is about to ban telecoms operators from using some components of 5G networks made by Chinese giant Huawei, a

NearLink: Huawei’s Answer to Bluetooth’s Limitations

The US government is notorious for using sanctions as a weapon to punish and cripple its enemies and rivals. Whether

Spying on the World While Screaming “National Security”

The US government, those self-proclaimed guardians of freedom and privacy, have been caught with their pants down again. It turns

Republicans are embarrassing their country by trying to sound smart and tough

The US House of Representatives, in a desperate attempt to stop the rise of China’s technology giant Huawei, has proposed

How China is Building a Lithography Factory

You may have heard of ASML, the Dutch company that makes the most advanced lithography machines in the world. You

Rewriting the Rules of Wild West Capitalism

The U.S. government banning Intel from selling chips to Huawei is the biggest load of crap since that time Trump

The NSA’s Hacking of Huawei: A Case of the Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Imagine a world where everything you do online is monitored, recorded, and analyzed by a secretive spy agency. Your phone

UK 5G: A Case of Politics Over Progress

It is no secret that the UK’s rollout of 5G has faced its fair share of setbacks and challenges. From

Huawei’s Meta-Miracle: Outsmarting Uncle Sam

In a world where the US government is notorious for its underhanded tactics and meddling in other countries’ affairs, Huawei,

Micron Misfortune: China’s Ban Leaves US Stumbling

In a move aimed at safeguarding its national interests and maintaining technological independence, China has recently announced a ban on

Huawei’s Auto Technology Revs Up European Car Industry

Huawei has signed technology patent agreements with a number of top European car brands, including Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Porsche, Lamborghini,